7.2.1 DEFINITION OF TASKHIIR, mafhuum al taskhiir
Allah made all other creations subservient humans, taskhiir al kaainaat. Living and non-living things
are used by humans for their benefit. Taskhir is temporary and on specific
matters and can be taken away by Allah at any time. Human control and exploitation of the universe is not complete or perfect.
Humans are the only living things able to change the environment around them. Taskhiir
carries responsibilities. Taskhir is a privilege and not a right. The power given to humans to control the environment must
be exercised with care maintain harmony and equilibrium in the universe. Humans in their arrogance forget or deny the great
bounties Allah gave them by taskhir and get punished for this on earth and
in the hereafter.
The human is not biologically the best-endowed creation of Allah. There are many animals bigger, stronger,
and faster than humans. Humans are however able to control and use them because of a more developed brain and intellect. It
is the intellect that enables humans to understand Allah’s signs in the universe and to benefit from them. Human intellect
enabled the development and use of tools. This gave humans more ability to exploit and benefit from the earth’s natural
resources. Using their intellect humans have developed sophisticated communication and are able to learn. They also have developed
means of transportation.
The concept of rizq is wider than food and is best
rendered as sustenance. The Qur’an mentions that Allah provides sustenance in the form of food for all living things
on earth. Study of the food chains shows that it is not only humans who use and benefit from other creations. Humans are on
top of the food chain; they can benefit from all other creations.
The term 'natural resources' refers to sources of energy and raw materials that Allah placed in the
universe for the service of humans. This includes air, water, energy, minerals, the soil, plants and animals. Air provides
the life-giving oxygen and is also a form of transportation. Wind movements clear the air, help in stabilizing temperatures
and transfer pollen from one plant to another to cause fertilization. Water is the most important natural resource. It is
the source of all life. It can irrigate arid land and return it to productivity. It is needed for growth of plants. The large
body of water in the oceans has many benefits for humans such as transportation and as a source of marine food. Fire is the
earliest and still the most important energy source. Other sources of energy are wind, electricity, light, sound, mechanical,
nuclear, chemical, solar, and magnetic energy. The energy sources are inter-related and inter-convertible. The bowels of the
earth provide minerals and metals that humans use as tools, ornamentation, and manufacture. The soil, clay, and stones are
used in construction of houses. Trees are cut to provide fuel and building materials. Most of human food is of plant origin.
Animals provide food and transportation. Many of their products are used by humans as medicines, clothing, ornamentations,
and tools. Soil is used for farming and animal husbandry. It is used to build homes as shelters from the elements of the weather.
Mountains are a source of esthetic pleasure.
Ecosystem refers to the physical environment and the organisms that it supports. The relations of mutual
interdependency and harmonious existence of living and non-living things in any ecosystem are further evidence for existence
of one creator. Too many creators could not have reached perfect agreement to produce such a well-coordinated ecosystem. The
stability and harmony of the eco-system depend on balanced mutual exploitation with renewal such that all benefit. Water pollution,
air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution are increasing. Whole habitats and ecosystems are being destroyed. Conservation
is protecting the resources and using them wisely.