

6.5 DIVERSITY OF HUMANS, tafaawut al bashar

By Professor Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr.


All humans were created from one single origin. This means that there are shared characteristics among all humans. All humans are from Adam. Modern discoveries about DNA and the molecular basis of life prove that there is a biological commonality that must have been caused by a common origin. Unity of humanity is based on the common biological origin. Islam does not accept the concept of sub-human types. Primates may have external features similar to humans but they are, like humans, a unique creation by Allah and not a sub-human type. As far as we know all offspring of Adam are on planet earth. Humans differ from angels and jinn. Humans have a physical body whereas angels are only energy. Humans have a free will but angels have none.



Humans started as one family that of Adam. They were at one time one community or nation. They share common traits. They have a sense of family and kinship. The sending of prophets to different communities with the same message has reinforced the common social origin of humanity. Because humans all arose from one primordial civilization, we can detect many similar social institutions in people living in different parts of the globe. The common social origin of all humans has also been reinforced by transmission of culture from place to place and from one generation to the next.



Biological similarities should actually point to one creator and not necessary one original primordial creature that evolved down the ages. Biological similarities among humans are based on common genetic control based on DNA, the same cellular structure and function, same chemical composition and function Human DNA is similar across many human groups. The cell is the basic building block of the body. There are hardly any detectable differences in structure or function of cells among different human groups. The bio-chemical and metabolic functions of the cells are all the same. There is specialization among cells therefore they differ in structure and some of their physiological functions. The ability of humans of different racial and ethnic groups to inter-breed is further proof of their biological similarity.



Biological differences indicate the power of the creator to create variations while at the same time there are commonalities. These differences were created by Allah and did not arise as passive adaptations to the environment. Allah deliberately created these differences to coincide with the geographical habitat, the environment, or the ecological niche in which they live. Basic biological differences among humans can be described as based on skin color and minor variations of body anatomy and physiology (weight, height, disease susceptibility, external physiognomy) that are used in a rather vague way to define three basic racial types: Caucasian, mongoloid, and Negroid. The races cannot be distinguished on the basis of genetic or DNA structure. Allah deliberately created differences in color as one of His signs. Skin color is due to varying amounts of melanin and carotene. Minor variations of body anatomy and physiology include weight, height, and external physiognomy. These are apparently not established differences because secular variations have been observed over time. There is no generally accepted scientific evidence that differences among humans due to the environment cumulate and lead to evolution of a different species. All humans are one species and can intermarry and reproduce.



Humans vary by gender, race, customs, language, and social organization. Males and females are different biologically, psychologically, and emotionally. These differences do not indicate superiority or inferiority. They are rather part of Allah’s scheme for a balanced society with specialized and complementary functions. There is no pure or homogenous race because of extensive interbreeding. Customs are ways of living followed by a great many people. They are transmitted from generation to generation. Customs are a factor of similarity within the community and factors of differences between communities. Different languages were created by Allah as one of His signs. Languages change continuously as they adapt to differing needs of communities. The physical environment imposes social similarities on all people living in it that differentiate them from those living in other environments. Each individual has a unique biological and spiritual identity. Not all people will be the same even when given equal opportunities. These differences do not by themselves confer any superiority. The only true criterion of human excellence is taqwa and only Allah can determine an individual’s level of taqwa.

(c) Professor Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr. 2004