6.3.1 CRITERION OF SUPERIORITY, mi’iyaar al afdhaliyyat
Humans aware of their superiority and distinction from other creations will have the self-confidence
and self-esteem and will power needed to adopt and maintain healthy life-styles. Present medical technology and knowledge
are sufficient to eradicate most human physical diseases if humans were willing to change to healthy lifestyles. The human
is superior to every other living and non-living thing that Allah created. Allah honored the human above all other creation.
Human superiority is due special attributes and capacities that Allah endowed the human with. Human superiority is not based
on body size, physical strength, or any special anatomical or physiological function. Human superiority is generic and not
specific for any individual human. Humans as a group are superior to other creations but individual humans may not be. Human
superiority is not a right. It is a potential that can be developed or can be neglected. Not every single human individual
can claim this superiority. Humans can rise to the summits of excellence. Humans can also fall to be the lowest of the low
and could be worse off than animals. Taqwa is the basic criterion of superiority.
It is a final common pathway for the 4 criteria of human superiority: intellect, ‘aql;
a free will, iraadat; responsibility, amaanat; and moral guidance, hidaayat.
6.3.2 INTELLECT AND KNOWLEDGE, ‘aql and ‘ilm
Intellect is the most important criterion of human superiority and the other criteria depend on it
either directly or indirectly. In the absence of the intellect, the rest of the criteria of superiority lose their significance.
The superior human intellect is due to a better-developed and sophisticated cerebral cortex. The intellect enables humans
to analyze, understand, and learn knowledge that is the basis for human action. Unlike other creations of Allah humans can
enlarge their corpus of knowledge through research. Human control of the physical universe is made possible by their intellect.
Closely related to intellect is the power of speech and communication that enables humans to carry out social intercourse
and thus succeed in living in families and communities. The human can use the intellect well by thinking and deliberating
on Allah’s creation and doing good. The intellect can also be misused to cause harm to self, the society, and the eco-system.
6.3.3 FREE WILL, al-iraadat
The human has a will that is defined and is limited. It is subservient to Allah’s authority.
The human is personally accountable for actions done within this limited free will. Having a free will is an indicator of
human maturity since it was not given to other creations. Humans are tested on how well they use their free will. They may
pass the test or fail the test. Allah in His mercy always is ready to forgive if they turn to him in repentance, taubat, and are determined to pass the test when given a new chance.
Human will can be used positively in working and preparing for the life hereafter and doing good. Human will can also
be used negatively for pursuit of pleasures of the earth, doing evil, and transgression.
6.3.4 THE TRUST, al amanat
Amanat is obedience and fulfilling duties. It is comprehensive
covering ‘ibadat, iman, the self, the family, the society, and the whole eco-system. It includes the present and the
future times. Amanat is the basis for human responsibility and accountability.
Fulfilling the amanat is by doing the right. Failing the amanat is failing to do the right. It is part of Allah’s grace that failure does not affect all humans
all the time and in all places. At any one time there is someone somewhere carrying the amanat responsibly.
6.3.5 MORAL GUIDANCE, hidayat
Allah honored and dignified humans by giving them a free choice to choose between right and wrong,
good and evil. Allah's will is involved in human guidance. He guides only those who have already made the initial choice and
taken steps towards hidayat. Humans, in the pure state of fitra, have an
innate concept of what is good and what is bad. They however can make mistakes in some complicated matters. Allah in His mercy
revealed the comprehensive code of the shari’at to help humans identify the good and do it as well as identify the bad
and avoid it. Humans can live in societies regulated by a moral code. Humans can choose to live morally in their individual
lives. The righteous, saalihiin, are humans who exemplify very high levels
of morality by seeking to do good even in the most difficult conditions. The highest level of this morality is to seek the
ultimate pleasure of Allah