6.2.1 THE NATURAL STATE, fitrat
Allah the creator created humans in the state of fitra. This is the best state both biologically, morally,
socially, and psychologically. Fitrat can be degraded or distorted by human behavior biologically, morally, and in terms of
‘aqidat. Both nature and nurture play a role in human action and behavior. The relative role of each varies according
to what aspects of human biology and behavior are being considered. The basic human fitrat
enables humans to know the bad from the good in most cases without the need for revelation, wahy. Revelation and human experience
only reinforce what is known innately. There are however a few aspects that humans cannot know without the guidance of revelation.
Humans have innate weaknesses in their fitrat.
The essence of the human is the nafs. The words qalb and ruh are also used to mean nafs. The exact
nature of the nafs, ruh, or qalb
is in Allah’s knowledge. The nafs has three levels: prone to evil, nafs ammara; self-reproaching, nafs lawamat; and
perfect, nafs kaamilat. The nafs kaamilat is satisfied, nafs mutmainnat; pleased, nafs raadhiyat;
and pleasing, nafs mardhiyat. There are many signs of Allah in the nafs.
The nafs has positive and negative attributes. It can change to the good or the
bad. The qalb has been described as associated with iman, emotions, sensation,
intellect, responsibility, and guidance. Diseases of the qalb include lahw,
ghaflah, ghill, ghaidh, kibr, and nifaq. The qalb can be influenced or changed.
The ruh is eternal. It was created before the body. It is the essential difference
between a human and an animal. The ruh does not return to earth after death.
Those who claim to make contact with souls of the dead are liars. Islam does not accept the concept of transmutation of souls
(movement of the ruh from one person to another). It also does not accept
The non-material part of the human is the nafs or the ruh. It is the essence and the most important.
It is the source of identity for each individual human. It is permanent existing before and after the end of the physical
part of the human. The physical form of the human body is temporary. The uniqueness of the human lies in the duality of matter
and ruh. Human behavior is a reflection of the dual nature but the ruh and nafs have overriding control
over the body. The physical part of the human through the hormonal and neural drives is also responsible for some types of
6.2.4 RELATION WITH THE UNSEEN, ‘alaqat al insan bi ‘aalam al ghaib
Muslims believe in the unseen. They have only a one-way contact with the unseen through the verses
of the Qur’an. Allah the almighty is watching and knows what the entire human is doing and nothing can be hidden from
Him. Angels and jinn are part of the unseen. They intervene in human actions
but most ordinary humans cannot initiate any contacts with them. The human lives and functions in the empirical world of the
seen. Scientific empirical prediction of the future or reconstructions of the past are not intrusions into the unseen because
they are interpretations of empirical data that may not always be perfect.
6.2.5 ATTRIBUTES of the HUMAN, sifaat al insan
It is a unique duality of the human that he has both negative and positive attributes. The human is
superior because of ability to do good despite the potential for evil. The positive attributes of humans as: gratitude, desire
of both the earth and the heaven, and belief. On the negative side the human is
described as proud, unjust, hasty, miserly, ignorant, foolhardy, neglectful, evil-doer, spreader of evil, denier of
the truth, kafir & kafuur, polytheist, hypocrite, niggardly, argumentative, perfidious, adversarial, despairing, impatient,
fretful, transgressor, self-sufficient, ungrateful, denier of favors, and lover of passions. The most important attribute
of humans is intelligence that is highly developed, sophisticated, specialized, and capable of abstract thought and problem
solving. Human aggression is a constant characteristic of humans as individuals and societies. It always leads to destruction.
Aggression can be against the self, dhulm al nafs, other humans, dhulm al ghair. Aggression is the final pathway for many of human weaknesses and failures. The first recorded
act of human aggression was homicide committed by one of Adam’s sons because of jealousy. Since then human history has
been characterized by aggression of various types and kinds. Human aggression is so much that even when seeking recreation,
they have a tendency towards sports like boxing, wrestling and others that allow expression of the inner tension or aggression.