35.4.1 DHIKR
The Qur’an has emphasized
the importance of dhikr in many verses. There is a lot of virtue in circles of dhikr. There is virtue in formulas of dhikr
including tasbih, tahmiid, tahliil,
and takbiir. Dhikr can be loud or silent. It can be in the heart or can be
pronounced. Dhikr can be undertaken when in a state of wudhu. It can be undertaken when standing up or sitting down. It has
to be in a clean place. No dhikr is allowed while in the toilet.
Ma’athurat are formulas for remembering Allah (dhik, allah,
that the Prophet (PBUH) used or recommended. Some are verses of the Qur’an whereas others are from hadith. Many are
in the form of supplication, dua. One point needs to be clarified about the ma’athurat. They are not the only occasions
for remembering Allah; they constitute a very small portion of dhikr. All human activity and endeavours are ‘ibadat
as long as they are righteous and are part of dhikr. Obligatory acts of worship are also a form of dhikr. Dhikr has many benefits
that include protection from evil, munkar; patience, sabr; calmness, tama’aninat; and success, falah. Dhikr has to be
undertaken in all conditions and at all times. Humans are enjoined to remember Allah a lot. Neglecting dhikr is severely condemned.
Dhikr is a cause for reward, thawab. Dhikr accompanies worship, ibadat, and all human interactions, mu’amalat. Dhikr
can also be in the heart, dhikr al qalbi. Dhikr can also be in the form of supplication, dua.
This module has two inter-related objectives: (a) understanding
and memorizing the ma’athurat (b) reciting the ma’thurat as ibadat which strengthens the attachment to Allah (c) Learning and using the ma’athurat will serve the additional purpose of using
acceptable and established formulas of dhikr in the place of many innovations, bid’a, of doubtful authenticity that
abound in the Muslim world.
The hadiths were selected from Imaam Nawawi’s book ‘al
adhkar al muntakhabat min kalaam sayyid al abraar’. One hadith is assigned for each session. The choice was very selective.
Only authentic hadiths were selected. Shorter hadiths were preferred over longer ones.
Take turns in reading the assigned verse or hadith in Arabic.
Correct one another in a polite way. Read the translation once and make sure you understand all the words. Refer to the footnotes
for more detailed explanation. Then re-read with the purpose of memorization. Take the following measures to memorise. Repeat
the reading at least 5 times. Write out the text in your own handwriting. Try to continue the recitation in your free time
after the end of the session. Try to memorise as much as you can before the next session. Make sure you understand the occasion
appropriate for the verse or hadith you have studied.