The Qur’an mentioned childbirth, wilaadat. The birth of Isa (PBUH) was described in detail. The
sunnah also described several cases of birth. The physiology of parturition especially its trigger are not fully understood.
The delivery process has many risks for the mother and the infant. We learn about the etiquette of delivery from the sunnah.
Amniotic fluid escapes early in the birth process. It is a sterile fluid that may contain varying amounts
of meconium. It is not considered najasat and does not nullify wudhu. The show contains blood and nullifies wudhu. Complete
wudhu may not possible during labor. The mother can do as much as she can and perform tayammum. Ghusl is recommended at the
end birth. The obstetrician is not obliged to make wudhu or ghusl because of delivering a baby all what is needed is to wash
blood from the clothes and the body. However wudhu is nullified by touching the vagina during delivery.
Salat is not physically possible in the advanced stages of labor and immediately after delivery. Saum
in labor is not recommended. Physical activities of hajj are not recommended in advanced pregnancy.
Any vaginal bleeding postpartum is considered nifaas. Vaginal bleeding post abortion is also considered
nifaas provided the diagnosis of a prior pregnancy was confirmed. In some cases of ceserian section in which the cervix was
not opened, there is no vaginal bleeding and the mother can wash and pray immediately after birth. The majority of jurists
consider 40 days and nights to be the maximum period of nifaas basing on a hadith narrated by Abudaud and Tirmidhi from Umm
Salmah. Darqutni also reported from Umm Salmah that if the floe ceases before 40 days, she can wash, pray, and engage in coitus.
Women in post-natal bleeding are excused from salat like those in menstruation. Post-natal mothers are excused from fasting
but they have to make up later. The rules pertaining to menstruation apply to post-natal bleeding. Touching the Qur’an
is forbidden. Sexual intercourse is forbidden during nifaas. Divorce of a woman in the post-partum period is prohibited
The books of sunnat have given reasons for the crying of the baby at birth. Every new born is touched
by the shaitan, mass al shaitan 'inda al wilaadat. The fetus has the right to life and the right of inheritance. The infant
has the right to a good name as well as general health care and nutrition. The mother has 3 basic rights: health are and nutrition;
shelter; and payment for breast-feeding if divorced. The following are done for the newborn: adhan and iqamat at birth, naming,
tasmiyat, by choice of a good name; circumcision, khitaan; shaving the hair, halq al sha’r; and aqiiqah by the 7th
day. Two goats are slaughtered for a boy and 1 goat is slaughtered for a girl.