

6.1 CREATION OF THE HUMAN BEING, khalq al insan

By Professor Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr.


Allah the creator is different from the created. He is infinite and all-knowing. Humans being created cannot participate in any way in the creation process. Humans were created after animals and plants. They are of dual nature being made from ruh and matter. Adam was from the elements of the earth. Allah then inserted the root into him making him a human. When the ruh was put in Adam, Allah ordered all angels to bow to him. All the angels followed Allah’s order except the proud Iblis. Adam was given knowledge superior to that of angels by being taught the names of all things. Adam then settled in jannat with his wife but was misled into disobedience by shaitan. He repented and was forgiven by Allah. Adam then descended to earth where he became a prophet and the father of all humans. Descendants of Adam were one community united on the creed of tauhid. When they deviated Nuh was sent to call them back to tauhid. Humans were created de novo as humans. All humans have a common biological origin and are different from other creations of Allah.



Human creation is optimal in structure and function. It is beautiful, orderly, harmonious, organized, and precise. It manifests signs of Allah. It is superior to and is honored above all other creations. It is unique and the most sophisticated. Humans have 3 unique features: the ruh, carrying amanat, khilafat, and taskhiir. The human is dual being both body and soul; matter and spirit. Animals have only the body whereas angels have only the soul. Humans agreed to carry amanat while all other creations were afraid to do so. Humans were placed on earth as viscegerants. All other creations were made subservient to humans.


6.1.3 CREATION AND NOT EVOLUTION, khalq wa laisa tatwiir

The Qur’an teaches that Adam was created de novo as a human. Human history therefore starts from Adam the fully formed human being. All human beings have the same biological origin, asl al insan wahid. Human creation was a deliberate and not a random or accidental event. It was revolutionary and not evolutionary. Islam believes in a creator God. Evolution by natural selection is denial of the existence of a creator God. Our arguments against the theory of evolution are based on the premise that it is a theory that is unproven. The theory has been continually updated to fit new data while its atheistic and non-scientific core was left intact. Creation is a simpler explanation of the data on similarities and differences among living things than evolution by natural selection. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection gave a pseudo scientific support for atheism and animalism. Atheism is denies the existence of a creator God worthy of worship. Animalism asserts that humans are like animals and have no special or superior moral standing. Persistence of the theory of evolution is supported by three practical motivations: racism, colonialism, and class exploitation.



According to the Qur’an two humans were created in a different way: Adam and Isa. Adam (PBUH) was created without a father or a mother. Isa (PBUH) was created only from a mother and no father. Adam was more of a miracle because he had no parent at all. These differences are not unique when we look at the whole scheme of Allah’s creation. There are many examples of reproduction in the animal and plant kingdoms in which only one parent is involved.



Parity found in human creation is part of the general phenomenon of parity found in other creations of Allah. The Qur'an has mentioned parity in all creation. There is parity in humans. There is parity in animals, parity in plants, and parity in physical phenomena like day and night.

(c) Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. 2004